Boxmoor - Heritage Impact Assessment

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The village of Boxmoor in Hertfordshire lies close to the site of a Roman villa. When a planning application was submitted for an extension to one of the houses close to the villa Icknield Archaeology was invited to complete a desk-based assessment (also known as Heritage Asset Impact Assessment), in order to establish whether the extension would affect any further remains of the villa.

We obtained background information by visiting local libraries and record offices, where we looked at historic maps and photographs. We also consulted the Historic Environment Record, from where full details of all archaeological discoveries in the area were obtained. A visit to the site was also made.

The results of the assessment showed that there is the potential for further archaeological remains to be present within the site of the extension. As a result, archaeological work is being allowed for in the construction timetable, ensuring that the extension can be constructed on schedule while allowing time for investigation of any further parts of the villa which may be present.


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