Ford Bridge, Braughing

Scheduled Ancient Monument no: 75; Area of Archaeological Significance (AAS) no: 87

Braughing Archaeology Group (BAG) carried out an archaeological excavation beside the River Rib at Ford Bridge, Braughing, Hertfordshire in the summer of 2016 under the direction of Mark Landon and Jonathan Hunn.  The project was commissioned by Historic England in order to salvage Iron Age coin mould that was eroding out of the western bank of the river and to undertake the challenge of stabilising the bank itself.

The coin mould assemblage is one the largest of its kind, both in terms of quantity and quality. Nevertheless, it is the quality of the associated finds (artefactual and environmental) that underlines the importance of this site. There is a proposed project to study this assemblage and one that has the potential to significantly advance our understanding of the circumstances, socio-economic purpose and cultural symbolism inherent within the early stages of coin making culture in the British Isles.

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